Landcare Group Resources

Check out the range of resources and downloadable templates below to help you run an effective landcare group.

Good Governance

Good governance is essential for the healthy running and decision-making of any community group including Landcare groups. This includes keeping good records, running meetings properly and respectfully and ensuring risks are considered.

All governance matters are described in the WGCMA Landcare Governance Handbook. The link also includes a variety of downloadable and editable templates for running meetings and writing reports.

A good way to assess the governance of your group is to use the Goverance Health Checklist. Some of the essential elements to good governance are described below:

Code of Conduct: a Code of Conduct sets a strong basis for good governance. Each Landcare Victoria Inc. (LVI) Member Group needs to have a documented code of conduct which covers child safety, bullying, sexual harassment and respect. This is a condition of membership and insurance coverage.  LVI updated their Code of Conduct in 2020. This Code can be used as a base for member groups to develop and/or review their own codes.

Committee roles: If your group is going to work effectively and achieve what you want to do, you need a good committee to help make it happen. Members and office bearers need to understand what each committee position entails; this Landcare Note will help define the roles and responsibilities.

Insurance: Every Landcare group needs insurance. It’s a fact of life that despite the best intentions of everyone involved, sometimes things happen that have unwanted consequences. Insurance for local groups can be obtained through Landcare Victoria Inc (LVI), however obtaining insurance through other organisations is also possible. To help with this decision check out the LVI Insurance Note.

Incorporation: Considering incorporating? Refer to pages 23 & 24 of the WGCMA Governance Handbook (link at top of page).  See also this LVI guidance note.


If your group is incorporated, an Annual General Meeting is required to be held each year within five months of the end of the financial year. If your group is not incorporated, such a meeting is not essential, however it is good practice to hold one annually if possible. The AGM serves as a chance to inform members of the activities and direction of the group and is the forum where new committee members and office bearers are elected. To help you run your group’s AGM please see the attached templates and guides below. Download the templates and add your own details. 

Activity/ Event Planning

Your SGLN Facilitators are here to help you organise and run events and activities. To help you on your way here’s a range on downloadable and editable forms and checklists.

Project Management

Check out the range of project management and delivery notes.

Project Management Guide Note

Project Planning Guide Note

Developing a Landcare Project

Project site Planning & Management

WH&S and Risk Management

Use the following tools to assist in understanding risk management, maintaining a safe work environment and reporting an incident.

Risk Management : Why Worry

Risk Assessment Form

Incident report form


Running Covid-safe events and gatherings is an important consideration for all landcare groups. SGLN have developed a ‘Covid Considerations’ guide to assist groups planning and running events which can be provided on request. The risk assessment form below includes Covid as a risk to be considered.


Landcare Victoria Inc. Volunteer Management Manual (external link)

Landholder Note Series (external link)


Please contact us if you need help accessing these resources or would prefer them emailed. If you’d like us to add additional resources here please let us know

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