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NOTE: Despite the recent storm event – this event is going ahead.

Following our successful Strzelecki Erosion and Landslip Forum last year, Mardan Mirboo North Landcare Group are hosting a field day to inspect structural works completed to ameliorate active gully erosion and landslips on a cattle property. We will also be inspecting a second property in the Mirboo North area with a large landslip.   The field-day will be led by erosion expert Kerri Goschnik from Ag Vic.  Lunch is provided but please bring a chair.  Registrations essential via: https://events.humanitix.com/tackling-erosion-and-landslips-field-day

When: 10am-2.30pm, Thursday Feb 29. Lunch Included.
Where: 125 Old Nichols Rd, Mirboo Nth

Enquiries to Nick: 0499 271 251.

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