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Get ‘hands on’ with nature and discover our local biodiversity!   Landcare is teaming up with the Bug Blitz crew to bring you a fun and educational day out .

Catch some bugs and look at them on the big screen – discover bugs in the water, bugs in the grass, bugs in the bush and what they mean for a healthy environment.  The session also includes water testing and art activities on what a healthy stream should look like.

For more details call Nick Stephens 0499 271 251 or email nick.stephens@sgln.net.au

Free Event. Registrations essential: https://events.humanitix.com/bug-blitz-bug-discovery-day

Bug Blitz is a not-for-profit initiative, integrating scientific, educational and creative opportunities to stimulate an active interest in biodiversity.


Part of the Reviving Rivers & Landcare Project, delivered with funds from the Victorian Landcare Grants.

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