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Year 2 of the coaching program is about to start. Join us to visit a current participant’s farm, and hear about their experience growing multispecies for the first time

New participants are now invited to join SGLN’s multispecies coaching program. For more information or to submit an expression of
interest to join the year 2 program click here.

Over the last year, current participants have:
– Attended two training workshops in spring and autumn with specialist Jade Killoran
– visited two local farms
– developed personalised plans for trialling multispecies on their farms
– compared successes and challenges with other farmers during online meetings and via a chat group
– learnt how to grow multispecies pastures successfully!
The new program will follow the same format with year 2 participants joining in with the current group.

At this field day, we will visit Louise’s farm for the farm walk.
Louise hadn’t grown multispecies before and was really happy with her crops: “My cows and calves thrived on the summer multispecies crop. It fed
150-200 head for 2 and a half months!”.
We’ll also hear from other participants about how they found the program, and there will be opportunities for questions.

To register for the day click here

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