We have a fabulous venue and speaker booked for our AGM so make sure you put Tuesday, 15 October in your diary. You won’t be disappointed!
Our Partnerships Against Pests pest and weed control forum was very well attended. I particularly enjoyed Tim Bloomfield’s presentation on rabbit control which included history about this highly invasive pest’s introduction and spread across Australia. You might be interested in this article in the Guardian about the recent release and rise of hippos in Colombia and the surprising reluctance to cull them before their numbers become unmanageable.
Luckily our Landcare community understands the need to control pest animals and weeds! Supporting you to control pest animals and weeds is an SGLN priority. As well as the resources on our website, we are offering you the opportunity to join two new pest animal and/or weed groups. See below for details.
Jillian Staton (Chair)

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Please provide your details to learn more about South Gippsland biodiversity and to offer your thoughts and suggestions about protecting it.

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Tell us your thoughts about biodiversity protection

What actions do you think should be taken to better protect our living world in South Gippsland? What are the priorities?