I’m excited to announce that we have appointed a new facilitator, Jane Mckenzie-Smith, who will be working with our western sector groups. Jane has had many roles within the NRM sector and we look forward to her sharing her vast experience with us. Jane will begin working 2.5 days per week at the end of this month and we will introduce her properly in our next e-news.
Last month, we ran a key stakeholders workshop for our Biodiversity Protection Plan. We received great feedback on our progress and our plans for an accessible, easy-to-read document to guide council, government agencies, businesses, Landcare groups and individuals. All participants expressed interest in being part of the process. We hope to present to our Landcare Groups over the next few months to get your input as well.
The number of participants at our recent Deer Forum reveals the concern felt about the growth in feral deer populations and the impact they are having on the environment, farming and road users. We plan to upload some short videos featuring each of the Forum presenters onto our website soon. You can also visit our website for some resources about community deer control.
Regards, Jillian Staton