Multispecies pastures and soil biology  New fact sheets available

SGLN’s Enhancing Soil Biology project has closed after running for the last four years.  We have created five new fact sheets to help farmers learn more about these topics. We also created ten videos on topics including farmer case studies, soil biology, multispecies pastures, regenerative grazing management, and carbon trading. 

The videos can now be accessed at the following link

The five new fact sheets cover:

  1. About the project.
    What we did in the Enhancing Soil Biology project and the results
  2. Actions to improve soil biology.
    Actions you can take on farm to improve soil biology
  3. Monitoring tools.
    Tools to monitor soil health including Visual Soil Assessment, penetrometer and brix meter
  4. Introduction to Multispecies Pastures.
  5. Multispecies Identification
    Identifying common multispecies pasture plants

    Please see below fact sheets to read now or download.

For more information please contact Cassie Wright,, 0448 739 559.

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