South Gippsland Deer Action Group

Partners: Corner Inlet Landcare Group, Tarwin Landcare Group, Fish Creek Landcare Group, Victorian Deer Control Community Network, National Feral Deer Action Plan Coordination Team.

Funding: Staff and volunteer time, Victorian Landcare Grant for camera trapping.

Timeline: 2021 ongoing

SGLN is part of the SOUTH GIPPSLAND DEER ACTION GROUP, established to facilitate the control of deer on private land, focussing on two areas initially, Cape Liptrap and Mt Best. Information and resources will however be available to a much larger audience.


Gippsland Deer Forum:

In March 2023 SGLN hosted the Gippsland Deer Forum in partnership with the Victorian Deer Control Community Network, South Gippsland Shire Council and Dept Energy Environment & Climate Change. Presentation slides and videoed interviews from the day can be viewed below.

Presentation Slides:

  1. Introduction to the Gippsland Deer Forum (Jenny O’Sullivan)
  2. State Overview (Peter Jacobs)
  3. Deer Control on Public Land (Michelle Hanslow)
  4. Community-led deer control private land – Cape Liptrap (Cheryl Batagol)
  5. Hunter assistance on private land (Des Lavery)
  6. Tools & options for landowners (Richard Francis)
  7. Examples of Cooperative Community Programs (Michelle Hanslow)
  8. Consuming the Problem (Dominic Britten)
  9. Role of the Victorian Deer Control Community Network (Johannes Wenzel)

Recorded interviews: are available on the Victorian Deer Control Community Network website.

These videos are in the members section of the website. You can join up with your details here and you will be sent a password to access the members section.


The Aim of the South Gippsland Deer Action group is:

To raise awareness of the impacts of deer and facilitate control of deer in South Gippsland through an action learning approach.


By 2030, a healthy and respectful collaboration of community, interest groups, institutions and government has resulted in the substantial and sustained reduction in the distribution of feral deer and the impact of feral deer on the community, environment and the economy.


To substantially reduce the impact and distribution of feral deer in South Gippsland.


The key roles of the network are, in relation to reducing the impacts and distribution of feral deer in South Gippsland, to:

  • Share information. Build knowledge and capacity.
  • Raise awareness in the community of the need for effective control.
  • Advocate for effective policy and control programs.
  • Advocate for adequate funding and resources.
  • Advocate for targeted research.
  • Identify opportunities for collaboration.
What we’ve achieved so far:
  • Held two community ‘Deer Information’ events at Mt Best Hall
  • Held three community farm visits on deer impacts in Cape Liptrap.
  • Multiple media releases in the Foster Mirror
  • Partnered with the National Deer Management Coordination Team, to produce 3 videos on:
  • Facilitated a coordinated deer control program across multiple properties in Cape Liptrap from Autumn 2022.
  • Developed a Strategic Plan (Powerpoint) and Communications Plan
  • Submitted funding applications for Safe & responsible shooting of deer (Unsuccessful) and the Use of camera traps to assess deer numbers (Successful). 
  • Developed a digital resource kit to assist landholders manage deer on their property, including a landholder agreement to engage shooters
  • Run two training sessions on monitoring the abundance & environmental impact of deer (methodology available on request)   
  • Set up exclusion fences at 4 sites to monitor the impact of deer on native vegetation
  • Set up 19 cameras to monitor deer activity across Cape Liptrap and Tarwin Lower

Additional information will be added to this page as the initiative progresses. Feel free to contact Eastern Sector Facilitator Nick Stephens on 0499 271 251 for further information.-

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